

Welcome to our site! The Berakah is an accommodation vessel that will remain moored in Abaco for some time to support housing for construction workers and others involved in the rebuilding of Abaco and the nearby cays.

Scrumptious food included – 3 meals a day

Enjoy your time off work, either in your cabin, or in the many indoor and outdoor recreation areas onboard.

Late nite snack?

…. or hanging out in the Gym or a cold drink outside on the top deck – the choice is yours!.


  • Hello Abaco!
    We are already here and are getting a lot of interest, not only from construction workers and contractors, but from teachers and support personnel that have a hard time finding places to live. Make contact via our WhatsApp and we will see how we can accommodate. We are patiently waiting for construction to start. Abaco …

Private: Contact

You can contact us by email, WhatsApp, or simply book your stay on this website.

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